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“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

-John 8:12

Eucharistic Miracle of Rome, Italy, 1610

Jesus was dropped on the floor — and made an indelible mark on history.

It is still possible today to see the miraculous imprint left by the Host which fell on the steps of the altar in the Caetani Chapel of Santa Pudenziana Church in Rome. The imprint on the step was left when the Host fell from the hands of a priest, who, while celebrating Mass was taken with doubt on the Real Presence of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist.

Santa Pudenziana is one of the oldest churches in Rome. According to a great number of historians, the Roman Senator Pudente gave hospitality to the Apostle Peter in his home, which stood exactly where the church’s foundation lies. The name of the church is said to derive from the name of the Senator’s daughter: Pudenziana.

Pudenziana and her sister Prassede, although never martyred, became famous because they wiped off the blood of martyrs after their execution. The church is adorned by numerous Roman mosaics from the early Christian era and was constructed in 145 A.D. on the site where there stood the house of Senator Pudente, according to the wishes of his daughters Prassede and Pudenziana.

On the altar steps of the Caetani Chapel, constructed by the Caetani family, to this day there is the imprint and the stain of Blood left by a Host which fell from the hands of a priest while celebrating the Mass.

Detail of the blood stain left on the floor by the fallen Host

The priest had been overtaken by doubts about the Real Presence of Jesus in consecrated Host, and immediately after the consecration, he inadvertently let the Host fall to the ground, where the imprinted mark is still visible today.

Detail of the impression left by the Host that had fallen on the marble floor

© 2006, Istituto San Clemente I Papa e Martire / The Real Presence Association, Inc.