Eucharistic Miracle Stories
Jesus shows His face in the Eucharist. This Eucharistic miracle was verified recently, on May 5, 2001 in Trivandrum, India. In the Host there appeared the likeness of a man similar to that of Christ crowned with thorns. His Beatitude Cyril Mar Baselice, Archbishop of...
Eucharistic Miracle Stories
Three Eucharistic Miracles occurred at the same parish in Buenos Aires, unveiling blood and traumatized human heart tissue. The parish of Saint Mary in Buenos Aires has been the center of 3 Eucharistic Miracles that occurred in 1992, 1994 and...
Eucharistic Miracle Stories
Jesus in the Eucharist was stabbed — and began to bleed. In the Cathedral of Brussels there are many artistic testimonies to a Eucharistic miracle verified in 1370. Desecrators stole Hosts and struck at them with knives as a way of showing their rebellion. From...
Eucharistic Miracle Stories
Fatima, Portugal is the site of one of the most extraordinary events in Christianity. In 1917, the Virgin Mary appeared to three poor shepherd children, Francisco, Jacinta, and Lucia; ages 10, 9, and 7. She appeared to them several times, giving them a message to the...
Eucharistic Miracle Stories
A doubting priest has his faith strengthened Inside the chapel of Count Batthyany’s castle in Ludbreg, Croatia, a priest was celebrating Mass. However, he doubted the truth of transubstantiation — that the Body and Blood of Christ were really present in the...